Protocol For Atp Sampling Of Condition 1, 2 And 3 Mold & Fungi Contamination

Posted by Nick Bredhauer on

Protocol For Atp Sampling Of Condition 1, 2 And 3 Mold & Fungi Contamination

The Bio-reveal® Ultrasnap ATP swabs and the Bio-reveal® Systemsure Plus luminometer will be used to determine the level of surface contamination for viable fungi, molds, biofilms and related microbial organisms and environmental biological matter. The purpose of the sampling is to determine the level of biological surface contamination of building material and content surfaces that may be impacted by mold growth bioamplification.

The Bio-reveal® system will allow water loss responders, restoration professionals, remediation contractors and the Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) the real-time ability to quantify the mold and fungi contamination condition (Condition 1, 2 or 3 ) as defined by the IICRC S520 for the indoor environment relative to the presence of mold and related biological contamination.

Click Here for The Protocol