Just what do you get when you buy a Hydramaster?
Take a good look behind the marketing and you will find that a Hydramaster truckmount offers you much more for your dollar.
Outstanding volume of heat
One of the most outstanding selling features that the Hydramaster has over any other truckmount is that when you pull the trigger the heat stays up for longer. Many other truckmounts may produce great solution temperatures, but when you pull the trigger the heat rapidly falls away. How hot is too hot? Manufacturers that suggest that too much heat can ruin a carpet say that because their machines have inferior heat performance. The more heat you have the better job you get, the faster you can do it and the quicker it will dry.
Real vacuum performance not misinformation
The figures for heat and vacuum performance that we quote are 100% accurate and reliable. The blower performance figures are computer generated and based on the actual rpms of the blower taking into account the pulley sizes of the engine and the blower and the diameter of the blower inlet and outlet. It is easy for a competitor to say, “Who did those?” “They are not true”. If a competitor says that their engine and blower configuration can generate so many CFM’s get us the run it through a comparison. You may find you are being misled.
Perfectly balanced machines
Hydramaster specify the right size motor for the right sized blower. Hydramaster drive their engines at the speed that the engines were designed to perform at. Hydramaster don’t spec enormous engines that are just expensive over kill, or engines that don’t have enough horse power to do the job at hand. Block of the vacuum port of a Hydramaster truckmount at you will find that the engine is perfectly balanced for the power required and does not slow under the strain.
Best quality components
Briggs Engines, V-Twin or the water-cooled three cylinder Kubota, are chosen because they are the most reliable in their class. There is a Briggs agent authorised to service the engines or do warranty repairs, if the need arises, less than a hour away from just about every cleaner in the country. We have trained many local Briggs agents to perform the regular servicing on the other components of the machines. Tuthill blowers have the longest warranty in the industry. Comet or cat pumps are long lasting and easy to repair. Each machine has quality hoses, and stainless steel and brass fittings throughout.
Longer lasting machines with less down time
One of the biggest killers of the longevity of a machine is vibration. You will spend half your life replacing sensitive electrical components. A Vibrologist does part of the design process of the Hydramaster machines. His job is basically to balance every part and component so that vibration is minimised. The new Tuthill trilobe blowers have enabled Hydramaster to generate more airflow and more heat but with massively reduced vibration. Have a look at the new Boxxer or Maxx running. You can visibly see how the whole package runs smoother and quieter. That gives your equipment a longer life with a minimum of down time.
Lighter machines that give you back your cargo space
Hydramaster machines take up less room in your van giving you back your precious cargo space. Hydramaster machines are lighter which means better fuel consumption and less wear and tear on brakes, clutch, tyres and suspension. The Boxxer 421 is 55kg lighter than it’s closest competitor, the Maxx 450 is 211kg lighter than its closet competitor, and the CDS is 327kg lighter than it’s closest competitor. That puts a lot of money back in your pay packet.
A host of extra features
You get the added extras such as last step chemical injection. Many cleaners say “but I don’t use it”. Well use it. It makes your life easier. Ask it as a question to any cleaner that uses emulsifiers. Does chemical injection make a difference? Does it help you clean better and faster, with less effort? 1000-1200 psi is standard on all models. It is not something you have to pay extra for.
Quality installations
Our standard install is the best in the country. You get the machine bolted down (no coach screws) with at least two of the bolts going through the chassis, all holes drilled in the floor of your van are cold galvanised, the machines, hose reel and shelves are placed up off the floor on teflon blocks, the fuel line is spliced into your van fuel tank. You can have the standard or you can have any customisation that you want. Our competitors often tell us that they wish that they could do custom fit outs as good as ours. When you want the extras you get them at a fair price.
Comprehensive manuals that are easy to read and understand
You get a complete operations and service manual with CAD drawings of all of the parts and assemblies as well as step-by-step trouble shooting guides. All of the parts have part numbers. When you have a problem you get a service tech on the phone and you are both looking at the same diagram. Have you ever tried to order a part that you need without this. We spend a lot of time on the phone with frustrated cleaners with non-Hydramaster machines that don’t have service manuals. It goes something like this, “you know behind the whats-a-ma-call-it, the thing that does the thing-a-ma-jig” and that’s when you are talking to someone who is mechanically minded. Most of the time we can sort the problem out, but it is much easier with a manual and you get the right part the next day. No mistakes, less down time.
Machines are easy to maintain
Slide in units that are direct drive that means; no drive belt, less vibration, easier maintenance and better power transfer. All lubrication ports are easy to get to, easy to drain, easy to fill. Most other regular maintenance can be done from the front of the machine. Tuthill trilobe blowers have an oil bath both ends with easy to see sight glasses. No grease. Maintenance on the CDS unit puts other units to shame. Clean the recovery tank filters, periodically grease the shaft and lubricate the blower and pump and you are done. The most comprehensive warranty protection: Take a closer look at what the competition offers. Compare warranty periods on the frame, tanks, blower, engine, internal hoses, pumps and valve seals, belts, vacuum hoses, solution hoses, and wand valves, and labour. You will see that Hydramaster offers a longer and more comprehensive warranty across the board. All components, large or small are included in the warranty plan, providing owners with the piece of mind that comes with real warranty coverage.
Machines with better resale value
The resale value of the Hydramaster units is unbeatable, particularly on the CDS units. Resale value always depends on the operator and how well the machine has been looked after. As a guide you would expect to get between 30% and 40% of the price that you paid for a Hydramaster slide-in unit and 40% to 60% for a CDS unit after 5 years. Non brand name units for the most part, get between 10% and 15%. Look at this scenario. If you pay $35,000 for a Hydramaster, depending on how well the machine was looked after; you’d get $14,000 when you trade it in. You pay $30,000 for a non brand name truckmount and get $4,500 when you trade it in. You may save a few bucks in the beginning but it costs you more in the long run. The complete package: All quotes include everything you need to drive away and start cleaning straight away. We don’t reel you in with cheep advertising and cheap quotes only for you to realise than when you turn up to have the machine installed you have to pay extra for this item and that. We have the largest range of chemicals and accessories available in the Southern Hemisphere.
Outstanding backup and support
When you ring with a problem, we solve it, when you ring with a question, we can answer it, when you need a part, it is there the next day. 24 hours – 7 days