Dri-Eaz DefendAir HEPA 500 Primary Filter

Regular price $522.56 Sale price $332.60

Restore your DefendAir HEPA 500 Airmover to maximum capacity

  • HEPA 500 filters combine filtration ability with filter capacity. To maximize HEPA filter life, be sure to change the prefilters regularly.
  • This filter has an efficiency rating of 99.97% against 0.3-micron oily aerosol particles.

The DefendAir HEPA 500 may be set up in a variety of filter configurations to suit your particular air scrubbing requirements. Use the chart below to find the best filtering configuration for the job at hand. 

Filtering Application First filter position Second filter position Final filter (HEPA)
Clean water loss air scrubbing. For a relatively clean environment. (no filter necessary) 2nd Stage Pre-Filter (F271 or AC36F2) HEPA filter (F321)
Standard air scrubbing. For environments with higher particle loads, such as construction or remodeling sites. 1st Stage Pre-Filter (F270) 2nd Stage Pre-Filter (F271 or AC36F2) HEPA filter (F321)
First pass efficiency air filtration. For use with a negative air setup during remediation of high risk contaminants and/or when DOP testing is required. (no filter necessary) DOP Pre-Filter (F415) HEPA filter (F321)
Odor control and air filtration. For the removal volatile organic compounds (VOCs), food odors, fumes from paint and paint thinners, sewer odors, and many other noxious odors. Activated Carbon Filter (F397) 2nd Stage Pre-Filter (F271 or AC36F2) HEPA filter (F321)


Filter Descriptions

  • 1st Stage Pre-Filter (F270). Synthetic fiber filter media rated at 10% efficiency. Captures the largest particles to help extend the life of the higher efficiency filters inside. More info.
  • 2nd Stage Pre-Filter (F271 or AC36F2). Synthetic fiber filter media rated at 30% efficiency. Captures larger particles to help extend the life of the HEPA filter. More info.
  • DOP Stage 2 Pre-Filter (F415). Use of the DOP filter ensures laboratory-rated performance for sensitive jobs requiring first-pass HEPA filtration. More info.
  • Activated Carbon Filter (F397). The activated carbon filter allows the removal of a wide variety of compounds, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), food odors, fumes from paint and paint thinners, sewer odors, and many other noxious odors. Combining activated carbon filtration with HEPA filtration is especially effective in removing airborne soot particles and the odors they create. More info
  • HEPA filter (F321). The HEPA filter has an efficiency rating of 99.97% against 0.3 micron oily aerosol particles. The HEPA filtration standard was developed in the 1940s to control radioactive dust particles in U.S. nuclear laboratories. More info.