HydraMaster MultiPhase Deodoriser 3.8Ltr

Regular price $77.57

Triple Action Bonding, Encapsulating and Absorbing Odor Counteractant

Triple Action Bonding, Encapsulating and Absorbing Odor Counteractant

MultiPhase attacks odors with a multi-faceted attack. It is a binding, bonding, encapsulating, pairing, and absorbing deodorizer that will safely and effectively eliminate odors most commonly encountered by the professional carpet cleaner, including pet urine, tobacco smoke, mustiness, mildew, and vomit. It works effectively on a broad spectrum of organic odors.

MultiPhase contains an industry favorite pleasant fragrance to leave the treated environment with a refreshed, deodorized smell. It can be used to effectively treat odors on any water-safe surface including carpet, draperies, upholstery, hard surfaces and floors, pet beds, mattresses, and more. It does a fabulous job of treating general odors in carpeting to help freshen up a total room.

Use MultiPhase with a sub-surface extraction or spotting tool to speed up your effectiveness at treating severe urine contamination. Multi-Phase can also be added to your pre-spray to treat areas of concern prior to cleaning. MultiPhase goes to work deodorizing immediately, making the rest of your cleaning job more pleasant.


  • For best results, locate all areas which are sources of odor. Remove as much odor-producing source material through effective cleaning. On large pet urine deposits, the pre-treat area with CleanMaster UPS during cleaning. Then, saturate affected areas with mixed MultiPhase equal in proportion to the amount of odor-producing material. MultiPhase must come in contact with the source of the odor to work most effectively. Pre-test all application surfaces for colorfastness before proceeding.
  • For most applications: Mix MultiPhase 1 part solution with 4 parts water. On severe urine contamination, you can use a more concentrated mixture or even straight, depending upon the severity of the odor.
  • On urine contamination: Inject or saturate mixed MultiPhase directly into the carpet, backing, and cushion. Allow to dwell 5-20 minutes. Extract the area thoroughly, preferably with a subsurface extraction tool.
  • For use as fogging deodorizer: Mix 1 part MultiPhase with 3 parts of water. Protect water-sensitive surfaces. Never inhale atomized or fogged solutions.
  • As a cleaning additive: For a portable extractor, mix 2 ounces of MultiPhase with each gallon of pre-mixed extraction detergent or neutralizing rinse. For truck-mounted equipment, mix 1 quart of MultiPhase with 5 gallons of pre-mixed concentrated extraction detergent or neutralizing rinse. For low moisture encapsulation cleaning, mix two ounces of MultiPhase with each mixed gallon of encapsulation solution.

Information Sheets
Product Information Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
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