Razorback Big Lemon Deodoriser 4ltr

Regular price $33.00

Big Lemon is a broad spectrum premium odour counteractant for both routine odour control as well as tough restoration problems.

Product code RP208002

  • Neutralises offensive smells and leaves a fresh, clean fragrance.
  • Effective on a range of odours including persistent malodours such as smoke, flood, urine, and other organic odour sources.
  • Can be added to cleaning agents, presprays, and extraction formulas.
  • Safe for use on wool and 5th-generation nylon carpets and fabrics.

Directions for use

General purpose air freshener.
Dilute 15ml per 1 litre, spray upwards in a fine mist. Apply routinely for total odour control.

As an additive to your cleaning solution:

Pump Up Sprayer
Add 75ml per 10 litres of ready-to-use prespray. To counteract stronger odours, double the concentration.

In-line Sprayer
(Yellow tip 8:1) Add 300 ml per 4.25 litre In-line bottle.

Add 75ml per 10 litres to your ready-to-use extraction rinse. To counteract stronger odours, double the concentration.

Add 500ml per 20 litres to make a stock solution meter at 3-4GPM.

Needle Injection
Use neat, inject into underlay at the source of the odour.

Safety Data Sheet