Forearm Forklift Genuine From USA
These lifting straps utilize the power of leverage to make moving easy.
These straps are the genuine original product from the original manufacturer. Not a cheap Chinese knockoff.
It's part of the cleaner's life to move heavy furniture. They make anything you carry seem 66% lighter. They also encourage proper lifting techniques, In addition, they keep dollies off of your customer's floors.
- Pack comes with 2 leverage straps.
- Each strap is 9 ft. 4 in. long.
- Both straps are adjustable up to 48 inches, so they're great for carrying small, medium, large & extra-large pieces.
- Just X-Cross the straps underneath the item that you're carrying and they never slip out!
- Comes with easy-to-use illustrated instructions.
- Rated for carrying up to 300 kg.